Databases(Web DBs) are collections of scholarly materials which are very useful tools for researchers to search and find relevant resources for their literature study. It contains bibliographical information or full text of journal articles, conference proceedings, and reports in specific subjects.
UNIST members can browse and access databases(including primary free databases) by the title and subject.
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Available about 10 journals in mathematical research published by ASM
• Type: Journal Package
• Subject: Mathematics
• Provider: American Mathematical Society (AMS)
• The American Mathematical Society, founded in 1888 to further the interests of mathematical research and scholarship, is dedicated to advancing research and connecting the diverse global mathematical community through their publications, meetings and conferences, MathSciNet, professional services, advocacy, and awareness programs. AMS peer-reviewed journals are of the highest quality in mathematical research and UNIST members can access 10 ASM journals (includes 4 open access journals).
A searchable online bibliographic database created by the American Mathematical Society
• Type: Database (Abstract & Index)
• MathSciNet is a searchable online bibliographic database created by the American Mathematical Society. It offers access to a carefully maintained and easily searchable database of reviews, abstracts and bibliographic information for mathematical sciences literature.
Available about 7 journals in biological science, physics, mathematical science published by the Royal Society
• Subject: Biological Science, Physics, Mathematical Science, Engineering
• Provider: The Royal Society
• Available about 7 journals in biological science, physics, mathematical science published by the Royal Society – Including Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, Proceedings of the Royal Society A
Available about 17 journals in industrial and applied mathematics published by SIAM (1997~current)
• Provider: Society of Industrial Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
• SIAM is platform of journals, electronic books and proceedings published by Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. UNIST members can access about 17 journals from 1997 to the present.
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